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Her fantasy fulfilled

Her fantasy fulfilled

Lives; Oxford, England; Occupation: Student; Age: 21; Born: September 9; Ht: 5’6″; Wt: 140 pounds; Bras: 36C; Panties: Sexy cotton; Anal: I love the way it feels; BJs: Spit but lick the dick clea;n Diddle: Perhaps once a week.

“I’ve wanted to do dirty photos for ages,” Nipper said. “It wasn’t till I started dating the bloke I’m with now that I felt secure in confessing it. He loved the idea and bought a digital camera especially for the task. One weekend when I was staying with him, we shagged again and again all night long to get me sexed up for posing. It certainly worked I think.”

Her fantasy fulfilled

See More of Nipper at NAUGHTYMAG.COM!